Background: This poem is what started everything off for me. My senior year of high school I was approached by my creative writing teacher asking me to produce a piece of writing to be entered into a contest. This writing could have been a long or short story any type of poem. To be honest I wasn't to fond of the idea. I knew I was a good writer but for a contest? I told her I would think about it. I went home that night and watched some poem readings on YouTube to get some inspiration. Once I felt inspired I started typing. I hammered this poem out in a matter of 10 minutes. I was very proud of this piece for I think it relates to a lot of young people. I read it to my mom and she loved it, she said it was very powerful and true. I ended up submitting this to my teacher, and she along with other english teachers loved my piece. My piece along with some others in my class had got chosen to be published into the All Conference Writers Magazine. We also got to go to a read...
This blog is about me and my everyday life along with some of my writings and art work! I hope my page inspires and entertains you! Thanks for reading!
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