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About The Author

A little about myself...

My name is Melanie Flasch and I'm 19 years old. I am a proud halloween baby. I live in a very small town in Wisconsin, born and raised. I have an amazing mom and dad who support me and all my dreams and passions. I am also an older sister to a sassy 13 year old named Natalie. Although we may not agree on some things quite often, she is my sister and I love her. I have the cutest puppies, Barkley, who is a 9 year old black lab and our newest member Bo, who is a yellow lab that we just got December 30th, 2017. We have also adopted 3 of the cutest black kittens that we had found in our backyard one day. My family and I are very big animal lovers and our house is like a zoo. I have two very best friends Emma and Jenna. Emma and Jenna are two of my closes friends and we have all been though a lot together. They are like my sisters. These people and pets are very big inspirations for my writing.

I am currently a freshman at Marian University majoring in Elementary/Middle Education and minoring in Language Arts in hopes to someday be teaching a bunch of crazy 3rd graders. I would like to pursue my career in Las Vegas, Nevada! I am currently commuting from home everyday for tuition is quite expensive. Lucky for me my friends are all very close by. As I go on my journey through college I am becoming a stronger writer and learning new things everyday. Im excited to take my passion for writing and be able to teach it to students someday. Writing is hard for many, but for me writing has always came naturally. English and Language Art classes were always easy for me and I always passed them with flying colors. My English teachers always loved me and pushed me to go beyond others. I enjoy writing long stories, short stories and poems.

Writing is one of my passions but I have a very strong hand when it comes to the arts. I also enjoy drawing and painting. At the end of my senior year I joined my first art class, the only one I had taken in high school. By the end of the year I had developed a love for painting and was very disappointed that I had only taken that one art class. Right out of high school I went and purchased every type of art supplies and created my own art studio where I paint in my free time. I also enjoy music and singing! Im always open minded to new types of music and love going to concerts. My first concert was in 4th grade! Me and my best friend at the time went and saw the Jonas Brothers. OMG! I have currently been to 15 concerts and plan to go to MANY MANY more!! All through out high school I was part of the choir. How can one not love music and singing!

This is just a little bit about me! I welcome you to my page and hope you find it quite interesting and entertaining! I plan on posting about things that might happen to me in my everyday life, special events, my writings and poems and some of my artwork. Feel free to give me feed back  and/or suggestions and follow me on my social medias. I hope you get that chance to learn more about me and I hope my page inspires you!!


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